About Me

Hi, I am Moaz El-Essawey student at the University of Damanhour with a Bachler's degree in Science (B.S), Chemistry major., Working as a data analyst as a freelancer, And want to combine what I learned as a data analyst and what I am learning as a chemistry student.

Latest Projects

... Gaussian Spectrum Analyzer

Gaussian Spectrum Analyzer is a GUI application used to visualize and create reports of the Gaussian View and Gaussian W calculations created in Python and Qt Library.

PyCRA: Python Create Raect App

PyCRA is a tool used to create a react frontend app for a backend server usually Flask or Django backend.the tool works as that, it creates a couple of dirs and files in a certain directory. init a npm package.json in the directory. and with the babel it compile the react app into static/js/main.py.

Servers Manager API and Frontend.

It is an web application used to manager person servers like his home camera servers, website server, and others to check if it up or down. built with django as the backend using djangorestframework and React as the frontend which can be served with any server like apache2, nginx or even a static flask server.

Drone Controlling System.

drone controlling system is a package of:

  • Android App build with kivy.
  • Simulator from the dronekit library.
  • socket server to transmite the camera feed from the drone.

Particle in Box Simulation in Fortran

It's a tool used to model the particle in a box model in quantum mechanics using fortran as the main solver for the problem and GNUPlot for creating plots and reports.

House Prices Analysis and Predictions

Performing Exploratory Data Analysis on Houses Prices to draw conclusions about it and create a Machine Learning Model to predict future House Prices. there is two version of the same methods I used for analysis one in R and the other in Python.


PyTorch Model for MNIST Dataset

Predict the Number from an image provided in the MNIST dataset. the model is built with PyTorch and trained to 10 epochs.

Kaggle Titanic Dataset Prediction

Predict the Survival of the Passengers in the Titanic Disaster based on the characteristics provided in the dataset.

Bohr Quantization Condition Visualization

Bohr's quantization condition: The angular momentum of an electron in an orbit around the hydrogen atom has to be an integral multiple of Planck's constant divided by twice π.

Tomato Disease Prediction.

This is a full application with an api and app that integerates together to allow of uploading an image in order to predict what disease tomato have from it leaves.

Check out My GitHub

Al Beheiyra, EG



www.moaz-elesawey.com Ongoing...


Python Pro

R Prgogramming Intermediate

C/C++ Programming Intermediate

Fortran Beginner

Data Analysis Pro

Data Visualization Pro

Flask & Django Intermediate

HTML5 & CSS3 Intermediate







Tensorflow (*)

PyTorch (*)







Google Sheets

Google Docs

Google Slides


Google Data Studio



React (*)





Damanhour University, Egypt

B.S in Chemistry

Expected to Graduate in 2022

Nassar High School, Egypt

Attended School from 2015-2018


Arabic: Mother Language

English: Fluent